When Justin and I made the decision to breathe life back into Zen, the concept of using it as a platform to elevate individuals was central. And besides, without contributors, really it’s just a blog of two dudes showing off.

Enter Curt Liddell, the first face of a new batch of contributors. Photographer. Automotive enthusiast. Musician. Honda modifier. Not to mention all round great guy to sink a few tins with.

Melbourne based, Curt reached out to us expressing interest in contributing to Zen in a pseudo-photo-journalistic capacity. After looking through the body of work, we were both eager to get him on board with it. From my own perspective, Curt’s work was a fresh approach to the automotive genre. It was clear each album was curated to represent only the shots he was happy to publish; I’m a big proponent of showing what you want to show, not what you think others want to see. A perfect attitude for Zen.

But who the hell is Curt Liddell? I sent him some questions to find out a bit more about how he finds his Zen.

Can you tell us a little bit about who you are and your background?

I always find this question difficult, I’m Curt, a 32-year-old I.T professional that has started to realise an office job may not be for him (some days). I have far too many hobbies – I have played in multiple hardcore bands and toured the country. I spend far too much time playing video games. I love learning about the mechanical side of cars and have recently been building a grassroots circuit car. I’d still call myself an avid skater, however I haven’t dedicated much time to it recently due to sore knees and getting older. Then my most recent hobby is Photography, I couldn’t tell you how long I have considered myself a “Photographer”, but my photography journey started when I sort of nicked my old man’s Canon 550D at a young age and took it everywhere with me.


What was the main attraction to photography and why did you choose it as a creative medium?

Initially, I just liked documenting whatever I could – One of the fondest memories I have, my family and I were on holiday and I was playing around with the previously mentioned Canon taking random pictures using a DSLR for the first time. I decided to slap the “BIG” lens on it (55-200mm I believe) and took a photo of our family dog in Black and White, and for whatever reason the autofocus hit perfectly, the compression and bokeh was really nice – It was a good shot! My Dad loved it so much he set it as his background on his PC at work, and the wallpaper on his phone. (It’s still his wallpaper, even though he moved halfway across the world)

I think for me that memory sticks out as to why I take photos. I love giving the gift of photography. And having my dad so stoked on a pic of the family dog was cool.
However, there is an element that I have discovered recently that may be a bit selfish, I just like making stuff look cool. When I slow down and do personal work, I ask myself “would I have that on my wall / would I see that in a book?” and I try to achieve that with my work (I am rarely 100% happy with my work)


What is your favourite subject to photograph, and how do you approach it?

The easy answer is Automotive. I love cars, always have, always will – The old man ran a dealership in Western Sydney when I was growing up – so I was always around new cars, he would bring home all the latest and greatest at the time, it was awesome.
My approach to photography varies depending on the car, setting, and context. At the track, for instance, it’s all about capturing the action with rapid-fire shots. I focus on cars that catch my eye, shooting from various angles and using a mix of panning shots with low shutter speeds and high-speed captures to add variety. Afterward, if I can access the pits, I slow down and shift my focus to capturing the finer details that might be overlooked on the track. I also aim to include a human element to provide a complete narrative. Ultimately, my favourite shots are those that tell a full story, blending action and intimacy—reflecting my passion for documenting every facet of the scene.


How does film fit into your creative vision?

To be fair, I just love the look and feel, the process is just “fun” – I only take shots that I think will be cool. It’s just pure self-enjoyment, that’s all!


Aside from automotive, what other subjects do you enjoy shooting

I really enjoy street photography! There’s something special about wandering through different parts of town with my camera ready, capturing candid moments as they unfold. Some of my best shots have come from spontaneous, run-and-gun sessions. It’s a great feeling to be immersed in the scene, headphones on, and just focusing on capturing a great photo.


What do you consider to be your ‘dream scenario’ or ‘dream client?’

That’s a tough one because I feel like I’ve already had my dream scenario. Recently, I had the opportunity to shoot the Silverado 2500 launch for Chevrolet, and seeing my photos published on major car review sites, 4×4 Australia Magazine, and even in newspapers was incredible! The only thing that could top that would be working with a car that’s more aligned with my personal interests as a motorsports enthusiast—like newly released production sports cars or race events.
(Stay tuned, as I MIGHT have some exciting projects with Chevrolet coming up again! 😉)


Is there a major project you’d like to tackle one day?

I’m a massive fan of printing my photos, so I think a coffee table book That somehow incorporates my street work and automotive photography, I think that would be really cool. I made a small bite-size one as a test to see the quality, and my clients have always come back with great feedback and wanted to have one for themselves of the work I have done for them. But ideally, i’d love to have a decent sized coffee table book that you can sink your teeth into and immerse yourself in whilst having your morning coffee, but somehow have that appeal to pick it up again and again… if that makes sense?


Where can we see more of your work?

Mostly Instagram and Facebook etc: @csq.pic
But I do sometimes update my website and upload larger galleries to www.csqpic.com

Stay tuned for Curts first feature, covering off his take on World Time Attack Challenge.





