My BFAM Eugene loves working on bicycles as much as I do so I thought I’d plant a seed and suggest that he check out Revolve ReCYCLING in Alexandria and ask them for a job. Revolve ReCYCLING recovers, recycles and redeploys unwanted bikes. SO unreal, right?!

It turns out Revolve have a night once a week where bike mechanics can volunteer to work on children’s bikes which will be donated to kids in need Australia-wide. Talk about stocking up on good karma. Eugene and I rocked up at 5pm to be given a tour of the facilities by Revolve ReCYCLING founder Guido, then it was straight to work!

01_revolverecycling_sign It’s a sign!

02_revolverecycling_guido Guido (in the stripy red top) filling us in on what Revolve ReCYCLING does and what’s expected of volunteer mechanics.

03_revolverecycling_paino Gorgeous Frank Paino, ready to be sold.

04_revolverecycling_paino2 It’s all in the details.

05_revolverecycling_showroom A tour of the showroom where bikes that were once destined for landfill have been given new life and are now ready to find a new home.

06_revolverecycling_showroom2 Europa cycles represent!


08_revolverecycling_yard We then got a tour of the yard. O. M. G…

09_revolverecycling_yard Bicycle heaven, or hell?! I was emotional.




13_revolverecycling_metal We then got to the recycling area. Bikes and parts that are considered unsafe to be used get sorted by materials and sent for recycling.

13_revolverecycling_scrap In a skip for recycling.

14_revolverecycling_workshop The guys got straight to work.

15_revolverecycling_workshop Eugene serviced the brakes and gears on this bike. The idea is to put enough love into the bikes to get them to a state where you’d consider them safe for your own children to ride.

16_revolverecycling_workshop Endless buckets of parts!
