Bro’s I gotta say something.

Friday night we went out for my good mate Mike’s birthday, the plan was for 12 out of 16 people to attempt essen’s Jurrasic Pork eating challenge – if you haven’t heard of it, it’s 1.6kg of pulled pork, coleslaw and potato rosti served inside a hollowed out loaf of bread with chips served on the side. The deal is if you finish in under 40 mins you get the meal for free ($49!) a free shirt and most importantly, the glory.

When we got there disappointment awaited. They only had enough ingredients to make 2 challenges. Big Nicholas Green had been talking about it for a long time and so had Alain, I’d heard earlier that at lunch he demolished a full Caesar and a Parmy, I was impressed. It was a no-brainer that these were the guys to do it.

We all watched on as they started the clock and the guys began the journey. 30 minutes deep it was punishing, it stopped becoming funny and started becoming like watching man walking on the moon. These guys were moving in slow motion as their body diverted energy away from motor skills to use on trying to digest everything they were eating.

There is so many good moments in that last 10 minutes. I couldn’t recount them all, we’d be here all day. Big Green, ended up finishing but he was really struggling at that stage. Our bro Alain was still going but it was a pretty heavy burden, not to mention he was drinking beer with it! Haha. Green win the challenge and we were all so ecstatic, people at the other table were cheering him on. It was crazy.

Amongst the celebrations and cheering no one really noticed the big dent Alain had put in his feed. This little guy ate one point oh-fucking-five kilo’s and drank beer with it! I’m 115kg’s and 6ft3, there is no way I could get close to eating that much.

Alain really didn’t get enough recognition and I thought I’d post this to give him absolute maximum respect. Even though David lost to Goliath in this battle it was an awesome effort bro, you did extremely well.

Tim Grove – Hopeless & Hellbound