Yes it's an old video, but last weekend we realised that we've never featured it on Zen, and yeah, we still show it off on our iPhone's at pubs even to this day... Read More.
We were invited to test drive the brand new Bridgestone Adrenalin POTENZA RE003 at Calder Park in Melbourne, and what an awesome day out it was. The day ran as ... Read More.
Sydney based film producer Dennis Ardel came across my photo of Ann-Marie La Dupont on tumblr (you can view the full set here), he was inspired to turn it into ... Read More.
Had a late afternoon shoot with Estelle last Wednesday, who’s a glamour model with her head screwed on straight (she's in property and she doesn't do drugs!). E... Read More.
So despite my thick (39 year old) skin, and my long career in making marks as an artist, designer, community builder and now photographer, I still find the smal... Read More.
A photographer who I've followed and respected for many years (I mean, seriously, he's shot every band I love and celebs from Robin Williams through to Lorde) D... Read More.
My sister has just launched her new business. The Wholesome Pod. She's always been amazing with cooking, and over the years she's really nailed the healthy/orga... Read More.
Met Emily at the meet the other night (EOMM) and shot her yesterday. Not sure if I talked her ear off, or whether she talked my ear off more... either way, we t... Read More.
myPlates were pretty happy with the little video we put together for December's EOYM and they've asked me if I'd like to put a little feature together in relati... Read More.
I'm helping the EZY Slider guys out with a photoshoot soon and today I built up one of their trikes that had been sitting in my man cave for a couple of weeks.
... Read More.
Zen's Domo has been a naughty naughty boy! Fun shoot earlier today with Japanese model Mika, yet another girl who’s Domo-kun crazy! View the rest of the set on ... Read More.
I've been meaning to check out my interview in the latest issue of InFocus Australasia for ages now. I finally found my first gen i-Pad, charged it up, found In... Read More.
I’m the founder of Zen Garage, Australian INfront, JDM Style Tuning and I like to create things. I’m into everything Cars, Bikes and Design. In the 80′s I was into skating, mountain biking, and metal.