I picked up this gorgeous 80's road bike for $475 on eBay quite a few years ago with the intention of riding it in the Sydney to Wollongong fundraiser (which I ... Read More.
A little note on Karma; Late last year I got a message from a guy (Angelo Kehagias) on facebook who let me know that a shared mate of ours suggested that he con... Read More.
When I bought the Honda Zoomer off my mate Paul many years ago, it never started nice (took a lot of work to get it going). After I was done modifying it to whe... Read More.
Those who know me know that I have a thing for skulls, so I couldn't resist checking out the opening night of 'Cranium'; a skull art exhibition held at M2 Galle... Read More.
What do you do when you're just about to sell possibly the cleanest, lowest k's DC2R in the country? You take it for one last blat through the twisties, that's ... Read More.
I could bet all of the riches that I ever had. Had to dig this one up again. This girl is amazing, a true muso. I'm in love!
Much more greatness on JENI'... Read More.
Yesterday we were invited by Autohaus Hamilton to check out their brand new 2014 Porsche Cup car which was having it's first shakedown session at Sydney Motorsp... Read More.
It's early in the morning, but this clip has already made my day. 6 year old B-Girl Terra is absolutely mesmerising, and her killer moves just get wilder as the... Read More.
Coming up with brilliant ideas when you're munted is mad fun, but turning those ideas into reality is usually hard work... but in this case, fun work! I shot pi... Read More.
With all the confusion in regards to the term "JDM" lately, I thought I'd re-feature this interview of self confessed JDM devotee Kevin San (AKA Babalouie) who ... Read More.
When I was a kid (before I had a license) my Dad was considering buying me a Jag E-Type for my first car. Story goes; he had a good mate who ran a business next... Read More.
What the hell did I just watch?! Michel Homm, a very brief animated story by London-based illustrator Simon Landrein. Love his style!
Michel Homm from simo... Read More.
I’m the founder of Zen Garage, Australian INfront, JDM Style Tuning and VWGolf.net.au. I like to create things. I’m into everything Cars, Bikes and Design. In the 80′s I was into skating, mountain biking, and metal.