Man we're doing SO much walking around Vegas, our legs are dead already! Today started super slow as some of the crew went out raging again last night, we had b... Read More.
8AM and we were all at Sydney International Airport, quietly excited about our huge trip. We ran into John Lor and his mate Simon at the airport SO RAD! I had N... Read More.
Some say you should never meet your idols; the gap between the perceived persona compared to actual idol’s ego is often too vast. Thus the reverer is left suffe... Read More.
Tonight wasn't your usual EOMM. No, this was United We Meet, a collaboration between Tuned, Downshift, Street Cover, EOMM & Zen Garage. This was a night we ... Read More.
Race Day! Friday of two days of racing at WTAC. The pits were buzzing with activity, oil being changed and tyre pressures adjusted.
With the Zen ten... Read More.
Having never shot drifting before, WTAC was the perfect place to begin!
Scheduled at the end of the day, while the sunset over the hills, and well into night... Read More.
For most, World Time Attack consists of only the two race days on Friday and Saturday. Having come up to Sydney almost a week earlier, my WTAC felt much longer ... Read More.
Wilkesboro Crew cranks up this year’s car show season another notch by hosting an automotive cultural meet style show in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Reeling i... Read More.
The Show & Shine is a staple of WTAC every year, and is probably the highest calibre show within the Australian late-model car scene!
With cars from all ... Read More.
Toyo Tires has announced the Australia release of a new road-legal race tyre, Proxes R888R.
The Proxes R888R is the evolution of the Proxes R888 (which I love ... Read More.
Not often at a loss for words, but fuck, what a weekend! Spotting insane cars en route to Sydney Motorsport Park in the morning set the mood right, and seeing t... Read More.
Alex was busy taking shots of all that was going on today, but I managed to grab a couple of snaps in amongst all the action and great catch-ups with friends I'... Read More.