Jeff Zwart, film director and Pikes Peak Hill Climb Champion takes his 1953 Porsche 356 out for a winter's drive. Check the smile on his dial as he steps it out... Read More.
Enjoy these shots of the 2SUS Custom Resprays 360 soaking up some sun for our little shoot with Heasman Steering.
The guys at Heamsans lowered the car and f... Read More.
At Zen, we spend a lot of time surfing Carsales. Personally it's sitting 2nd after Facebook for me! It's unusual, but I somehow gain deep personal satisfaction ... Read More.
The all new (first issue!) Performance Tuned Australia magazine sees Aaron Vumbaca's epic DTM-inspired M3 grace the pages as well as the inaugural cover. We're ... Read More.
Introducing David Dalrymple's BNR32, which is currently going through the approval process for World Time Attack Challenge (he'll be entering in the Clubsprint ... Read More.
Spotted over at The Hundreds. Beautiful model Karrueche shot by the amazing Van Styles. No need for anymore words, be sure to check out the full set of photos h... Read More.
Last week saw us take our Zen Maloo off road and onto some more difficult terrain than usual (but somehow, off road still felt as smooth as sydney roads! Go fig... Read More.
Our friends at JDMyard organised another private track day at Wakefield in Goulburn, and of-course I was there with bells on.
Hands down, private track days ... Read More.
Yesterday traditional Italian restaurant Cavallino (best antipasto plate we've ever had!) in Terrey Hills ran another Cars and Coffee. This time the sun came ou... Read More.
With the new bushings in, and a bent control arm replaced (all work done at JDMyard) it was time for Dale from DM Motorsport to do the final alignment on the MX... Read More.
In a few days time, I am heading off on what's sure to be the most challenging, exciting, rewarding and stressful time of my career. I will be traveling for 20... Read More.