Perfect weather today and despite double demerits the troops came out in force. I'm pretty sure everyone present was impressed with Garage 88, both the premises... Read More.
Yesterday we had THE BEST paintless dent removal guy booked in to remove dents @ Zen Garage on a lot of cars (an X1, GTI, XR5, R31 Skyline, IS300, G37 Skyline, ... Read More.
A hi-top fade is a style of haircut where hair on the sides is cut off or kept very short and hair on the top of the head is very long. Apparently the style fel... Read More.
Earlier in the week the weather forecast predicted rain. It never came! ALL STARS 'Spring Picnic' was such an awesome day. Perfect weather, perfect location, gr... Read More.
Wheels make the car, right? I've been doing my head in with which wheels to buy, and what widths, offsets and tyre sizes for the past month. Enough was enough, ... Read More.
Have you ever taken your pride and joy to a performance shop for upgrades and the shop ends up fucking up your shit? Almost every car enthusiast can relate to t... Read More.
We love getting goodies in the mail @ Zen Garage. Last week we had a box turn up from Japan, low and behold it was a care package sent to us by Tomei, who for o... Read More.
OMG - love a girl that wrenches. Speedhunters just ran a guest blog by Camille Sebaoui who's a mechanic by trade. Her feature documents her recent outing as par... Read More.
Private Track Days are THE BEST. Open pitt lane means there are no sessions. IE: You do not have to wait to get out on the circuit. It's open so you can go out ... Read More.
A vehicles chassis, over time, ages. After more than 20 years of abuse on Sydney’s not-so-awesome roads, a car can begin to feel a little ‘loose’ and ‘tired’ so... Read More.
Brakes are just as vital as an engine. A vehicles braking system is something that needs to be kept in-check and well maintained. On our project RX8, we’ve deci... Read More.
Small update: Dropped in to see my good old mate Indy @ IS Motor Racing today to fit a direct clutch line to reduce clutch shudder and also thought I'd bleed th... Read More.