Entries to our inaugural Automotive Photography Awards have officially closed. We received an awesome 160 entries in total! Our star studded judging panel are g... Read More.
HoonTV feature Kevin San's 2000 GT Hakosuka GT-R replica. What a guy, what a car, what a video, what a way to start the new year!
http://forum.j... Read More.
What a way to wrap up 2011! JDMST had it's final End Of Month Meet (EOMM) of the year last Thursday night. Like an underground doof, the venue was revealed a me... Read More.
Good times, great vibes. A selection of photographs from Orlando, Florida based Photographer Jordan Donnelly's iPhone over the course of the year.
... Read More.
Just another off the cuff Zen Garage initiative (!). A driver who enjoys road racing and is committed to being single. Originally coined in the cult anime "Init... Read More.
The winners of the Speedhunters Awards 2011 have been announced and amazingly my R32 GT-R came in 2nd place for Street Car Of the Year. Being nominated was awes... Read More.
Mercy, mercy me, that Murcielago. Liberty Walk - The latest videos by Japan based Luke Huxham of maiham-media.com.
www.lib... Read More.
Sick of working on the laptop all day and beer O'clock not coming fast enough, Sean and I thought it was about time we do another FD update. Exedy kindly donate... Read More.
Photographer, Videomaker and Evil-Empire drift team (One of the top drift teams in Russia) representative Alexander Kuzmichev from Saint-Petersburg, Russia just... Read More.
It's easy to be stuck behind our computers all day, then go home buggered with square eyes, but over the past month a pile of goodies for the FD has been buildi... Read More.
Since May this year, ADVAN have sent out an open invite to all Australian track whores to crack the fastest lap time they could on street legal ADVAN Neova road... Read More.
Over 20,000 people attended the one day Yokohama Mooneyes Hot Rod Custom Show in Yokohama Japan (now in it's 20th year), the FreeStyleRides guys were there to s... Read More.