You know, drone's are the in thing right now.
"We wanted to explore the whole idea of drone privacy and strikes—this idea of 'make porn, not war. It started... Read More.
So today I got this question sent my way via Facebook Messenger:
"How do your practices differ when creating a commissioned design project to creating art f... Read More.
It's always strange hearing your own voice, right?! The hour long interview I did last week with Dallas and Daniel of the Average Joe Car Show is now live! We t... Read More.
At the time of writing this, in just 30 hours I'll be sitting down to view an advanced screening of Furious 7. I've never looked forward to a movie as much as t... Read More.
As car enthusiasts, the people around us look to us for leadership and advice on matters automotive. Just think about how many times you have been given a vague... Read More.
Sometimes you have to step out and see things from another perspective (before it's all lost). The Sydney car scene has been fighting against the hoon label we'... Read More.
#THEORANGEEFFECT EOMM is done and dusted, and we're happy to say that it was a major success!
All of us at Cars For Hope are honoured with the sheer amoun... Read More.
Not that we care too much about being culturally correct (we consider ourselves culture jammers after all!), but as luck would have it, we acquired an awesome K... Read More.
If you’ve followed my Zen blogs, you’d know that I’ve completely changed my life’s course. I’ve ditched everything I know and decided to follow my dream of beco... Read More.
DID you get booked for speeding over the January holidays? Did you feel bad about it? There is no need to.
Speed limits are too low, set by the wrong people,... Read More.
Master model maker Phillip Mitchell crafts beautiful and meticulously detailed miniatures of the world’s finest vintage sports cars. Director Frank Liew tells M... Read More.
The Future Is Here. Check out this 3D printing tattoo machine. Design files to machine, machine tattoos design on customer. Amaze.
More Here: http://blog.tat... Read More.