Small update: Dropped in to see my good old mate Indy @ IS Motor Racing today to fit a direct clutch line to reduce clutch shudder and also thought I’d bleed the brakes with high temp brake fluid in prep for this weeks track day.

APP direct clutch line – stainless mesh hoses which use a teflon lined inner tube. Got to love quality stuff!

AP Racing PRF660 – proper racing stuff with a dry boiling point of 320°C.

Felt a difference in clutch pedal feel as soon as I drove out of ISMR. It’s smoother, which makes the clutch pedal feel lighter. The big shudder has gone, very very happy with this! Brakes feel even better again, very cool. Front brakes have been squealing hard though when travelling slow and coming to a complete stop. I’ve read it’s a pretty common issue on all EVO’s with aftermarket pads/rotors (cause and effect!). I might try some ‘no squeal’ grease and/or inserts if it gets to be too much.
