We’re good friends with both Circuit Club and JDMyard. The Circuit Club boys had their first track day of 2013 last week and amongst the cars present was the JDMyard DC5R, a very special car that’s been in the making for the last 8 years. We’re talking about a genuine Mugen bodykit, carbon doors, spot welded chassis and weld in roll cage. It saw the track for the very first time and Narada from Circuit Club was there to ask the JDMYard boys a few post track questions:
The JDMyard DC5R FINALLY makes its debut on the track = Honda Fanboy’s minds blown. How did it feel after so many years sitting in the warehouse?
A. *Multiple fist pump*, yes, yes ,yes ,yes, the same feeling and relief Mark Webber got when he won the German GP back in 09.
It’s been a love/hate relationship between the DC5 and JDMyard, pushing it in and out of the workshop everyday for the last 8 years has taken its toll on us, at one point we almost loss interest in it, just because its been such a long build (we’ve moved shop 3 times since the build started). There’s an on going joke in the shop about it being the “Hardpark King”. Mind you, the goal has always been to finish it and go racing, but with just so many other projects on the go, we left the DC5 in a dark corner of the workshop and focused on other stuff. You know, nothing ever stays constant, its always changing so we bit the bullet this year and decide to finally get it done. With more space at Smithfield, and the right team members in place; it was a good feeling to finally see it out there at Wakefield on Monday.
Natsoft recorded 1.09, though in an untimed session, you guys posted a 1.07.98 – is this where you thought you would be?
TBH in morning while loading up the car we said “if nothing breaks, it would be a good day”. 1:09 I think was during a semi-wet lap; every time we went out for a timed session the weather would turn bad on us. Adam Casmiri is a talented young, up and coming driver; definitely one to look out for and was responsible for the 1:07.98. After coming into the pits from the first session, the expression on his face was priceless. “its such an easy car to drive, I think there’s more in it guys”
What did you learn on the day and what’s next?
In the pits we actually joked about it after posting the 1:07, saying “all it needs now is another 200kw and it should be good”, LOL. In all seriousness the alignment and shock settings on the day was set to “safe”. Based on the tyre temps and wear, it could do with a more aggressive setup to make the most out of the tyres. In the coming weeks we’ll be doing a full spanner check on the car and fine-tuning the suspension.