Photos of Stephen Wassef's whack EVO from the chilled out Saturday @ Zen Garage last weekend are up thanks to Simpson Tien of SB Captures. Be sure to check out ... Read More.
We've just had a big box of new illest accessories drop at Zen Garage. Find all these goodies in the shop! Visit:
... Read More.
Field Trip Creative Conference is on again, this time in Sydney (Melbourne was a completely sold out show!). We've (Aus Infront and The Jacky Winter Group) booked out the Seymour Centre and have a pretty amazing lineup of speakers.
The idea is to... Read More.
This fantastic little clip by the Querin Brothers begins with an original 2000 GTV Alfa in a garage, then making it's way to Eastern Creek for a proper squirt o... Read More.
New Era is set to launch this whack set of Transformers Cap Bots in conjunction with OG Japanese toymaker Takara Tomy. Now, how do we get our hands on of of eac... Read More.
A new shipment of illest New Bold Cammo Zip hoodies just dropped at Zen Garage today. We've got heather grey and black. Limited stock, limited sizes so be quick to snap them up for cold days (like today! It's frikkin freezing in Sydney right now!). V... Read More.
Once we installed the B&M billet short shifter into the CRX, we noticed that the distance from the steering wheel to the actual gear knob had increased. The sho... Read More.
Its five years exact today. All from a chance encounter. It was like those movie moments where the guy spots the girl on the other side of the crow... Read More.
We've got THE BEST paintless dent removal guy booked in again to remove your dents @ Zen Garage on Saturday, the 27th of this month.
If you're keen to get in on the action send photos of your dents to: [email protected]
This guy blew o... Read More.
Josh, Ben, Jon and myself take the 1,000km drive up to Queensland Raceway to attend one of the best Drift events in AUS!
Both the brothers baked day in day out... Read More.
This sounds awesome: Oil Stained Brain is a custom motorcycle event held over 3rd & 4th of Nov in Melbourne. The 2 day long event celebrates custom two wheeled ... Read More.
OMFG. They finally (somehow) did it. They've rereleased the Tony Hawk 'chicken skull with iron cross' deck which I've been gunning after ever since I was a gromet. Whilst it's rocking a different shape, and missing the funky geometric background patt... Read More.