The crew over at Speedline Film Werks proudly presents, Wuste 2011: A Desert Gathering; Episode Three. This third episode in a series of six features the main e... Read More.
Sexy gritty work by Las Vegas based Photographer Jaycinista.
From the Photographer himself:
My photography direction is bipolar. I can shoot the feminine, c... Read More.
Old school Pro Skater Steve Alba is back on Santa Cruz and together they've launched a new line called Salba Cruz. So far they've got decks (the legendary Lance Mountain's done the artwork on the badlands deck) and even an old cruiser complete featur... Read More.
Some art went up today, nice change but we need a shitload more.
Sergio dropped in today.
Friday = Beer O'clock... Read More.
Remember Hypercolor clothing? Clothes that would change colour with heat? Well this cap is like that, minus the not so cool (well, not yet anyways) tie-dye effe... Read More.
Survival, persistance, love and life.
This is the truly horrifying yet inspiring true story of 17yr old Ross Capicchioni from Detroit. "The Berrics" have done a great job producing the 2 clips too. It's a must watch, makes me happy to be breathin... Read More.
The fluro red is pretty hardcore in real life. Not sure it's going to work too well in the space. The yellow needs a few more coats but it's the right "... Read More.
Hold up, Melbourne and sunny weather?!
Two amazing, action packed days full of drifting, girls, moto, music and mayhem. If Round one was a test for ADGP you... Read More.
RIP Steven Paul Jobs (February 24, 1955 – October 5, 2011). You were great.
No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And t... Read More.
Zen Garage Project Car #01 is Sean's non-registrable FD which we'll be setting up for Targa (and other related events). Can't wait to start stripping this thi... Read More.
Fuel Tank TV features this edit on Ryan Ford, a Pinstriping artist located in Central Victoria. Ryan's the owner of Chopped Magazine and the Promoter of the Cho... Read More.
I've been a fan of tattoo artist Mike Giant's bold black and white cycling related wall art ever since first laying my eyes on it. He's the head artist at REBEL8 clothing and just one of those all-round-rad-guys who excels at everything he chooses to... Read More.