
Maï Ikuzawa

Just started following Maï Ikuzawa on twitter, did some internet stalking and I'm now officially a fan of hers! Born in Tokyo as the daughter of Japan's most celebrated grand prix driver, Tetsu Ikuzawa, Maï Ikuzawa grew up in the world of motor racin... Read More.

Dredd 2012

I've just heard that there's a Judge Dredd remake on the way for 2012 (thank God not a sequel) and the good news is that 2000 AD have a hand in producing it this time. Dredd has appeared in 2000AD comics since the 70's and I spent the early years... Read More.

Skating down the Mississippi River

Red Bull Mississippi Grind 2011 is the outcome of a cashed up mega company investing in a whack idea that a small town skate crew had of floating a skatepark down the largest river in the US. During the 2,743km Huckleberry Finn-style journey from... Read More.

Clean Up Day #01

We've got power! It was pissing down last night, even heavier today which was a good thing as we were able to pinpoint exactly where the leaks in the roof were. We had a guy with a high pressure washer just wash everything down. Fl... Read More.