

Japanese Illustrator Shohei Otomo creates some of the most visually thrilling illustrative work coming out of Japan, all with a ballpoint pen. His highly de... Read More.
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Pirelli Calendar 2012

Sneak a peak at these behind-the-scenes photos of the making of the 2012 Pirelli Calendar. Pirelli have hired fashion gun Mario Sorrenti this time around and a mature model line-up which includes Lara Stone, Kate Moss, Mila Jovovich, Rinko Kikuchi, S... Read More.

Public Domain

The 1988 was THE time to be a skater. There was no need for you to be a hipster to fit in (skinny jeans WTF?!) just you, your skateboard and it seemed liked eve... Read More.

Where do we land?

Converse China presents “Where do we land?”. A Patrik Wallner skateumentary which follows Chinese skaters Keng Qu, Thrasher, Xu Ying, Blackie, Dan Leung and Xia... Read More.

Inspired Skate Furniture

Skate Furniture pieces heavily inspired by timeless Eames and Nelson design classics. Personally I've got skateboards up on the wall as art, but this shit takes it to another frickin level! Chaise. Noguchi. Platform Bench. Coat... Read More.

Lossa Engineering “Solus”

Old school style and stance meets new school handling and brakes. I first came across Lossa Engineering's 1978 Yamaha SR500 on season 1 of Cafe Racer on TV which followed the build of the bike, then had the Bostrom Brothers test it out on the twistie... Read More.