On any given Sunday, there are 100s (if not 1000s) of enthusiasts meeting together to share their passion for cars, whether it be at a meet, a track or hitting the open roads for a spirited drive.
I thought it’d be good to start a little series of Sundaze posts documenting some of these as I get around.
After a pretty big Saturday out at the track, I thought I’d take it “easy” on Sunday with a quick trip out to Benzin for a coffee before jumping over to a local Hills meet from a newish group Hills Car Enthusiasts on the top level of the Cherrybrook Metro Station carpark.

Upon arrival I was greeted with a handful of Zeds and this 69 Falcon XT GT sticking out like a sore thumb; the owner Peter leaning on the car looking at his phone whilst the rest of the attendees talking Zed things. We had a decent chat; he’d been out at another meet – Cars and Coffee Kellyville before coming over to the Hills. Normally you’d find him out at the circuit or dragstrip where they race a plethora of cars, including this Falcon which runs a 10.5 down the qtr. Sadly after only a short while he left, along with this VK, due to the lack of variety and not really feeling welcomed at the meet.
The variety of cars at the meet was definitely skewed towards the JDM market, with a particularly heavy Zed focus; I suppose given the main organisers ownership of a Zed and, from what I’ve seen, plenty of advertising using his car and in the Z group.
My advice to anyone running or attending a meet: Get out of your comfort zone!! Openly and actively talk to different folk from different strokes, you never know who you’ll come across, and you may learn a thing or 4.
I personally don’t do it well, but over the years I’ve #SNIPED plenty of cars, and in tow have met & spoken (listened) to a tonne of people.
Two other highlights of the meetup were this freshly delivered GR Yaris and 1986 Mazda 929, which both instantaneously drew crowds.